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Letter To An Incoming Bio Student

Hi I'm Will, and I am a freshman. I went to Saratoga Elementary and then Redwood Middle School before coming to Saratoga High. Some of the classes I took this year included Biology, Geometry Enriched, Spanish 2, and Intro to Computer Science. I expected this class to be hard, however if you do all your homework and take good notes on the vodcasts, you will be fine. I also played basketball this year, and I would recommend playing any sport in high school because they are good to relieve stress from all of your classes. Mr. Orre expects you to be honest and to stay on task. If you didn't finish your homework, don't try to do it during class. The first thing I do when I come to class everyday is look at the board to look at the "DO NOW". This usually consists of writing a small summary of the previous night's vodcast in your notebook, or taking out your assigned chromebook. The beginning of a typical day of class usually starts with a recap of last night's

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