20 Time Sleep Individual Reflection

     Our 20 time project was all about sleep. We always hear that a sufficient night of rest is necessary to learn well, and that we should get a good sleep the night before any test or exam. Our purpose was to test this, and see the true extent to how important sleep is to academic success. We chose this goal because as students, we would like to know what the perfect amount of sleep is for optimal performance at school. I feel that our project has helped me self-improve because now I know firsthand the effects that sleep has on our learning ability. 
     Using the scientific method, our initial plan was to plan out certain dates where we would be sleeping for a preset amount of hours. The first set of data that we collected was after sleeping for the normal amount of time that we usually sleep, which served as the control group. After the control group, the hours slept ranged from no sleep at all, to ten hours of sleep. After sleeping for these set amount of hours, we would be taking two different tests, a memory test and a concentration test. Next, we would record all of the data that we had collected from these tests, and keep them in a Google document. This plan was a success, and it ran smoothly throughout the duration of our experiment. 
     From this experiment, I learned how important communication is during a collaborative project. It took a lot of communicating to plan out if a certain date would work for a certain amount of hours, and overall I think that I have improved on my communication skills. I also have improved on my researching skills, as we had done quite a bit of research prior to our experiment. If I had a chance to do this project again, I would have preset all of the dates before we had started the experiment. This would have made it easier, because we would have a set schedule, instead of planning the date the week before it happened. I have learned that I need lots of sleep to function at my best. I learned that with nine to ten hours of sleep, I perform my best regarding my concentration and memory. Going into the experiment, I was not expecting there to be such a drastic change in the data from no sleep to ten hours of sleep.
     I do not think that we will be continuing this experiment, because we have already collected all of the data needed for our initial goal. With the information that we have gathered, I think it will be beneficial to ourselves and our classmates to see how important it is to get a good night of rest.

Data: https://tinyurl.com/lshpdh6

20 Time Sleep Blog: http://20timesleep.blogspot.com/


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