Pig Dissection Lab

The purpose of this lab was to identify all of the different structures in the fetal pig by dissecting it. Although pigs and us humans may not look very similar from the outside, we share many common structures and organs on the inside. Another major portion of the lab was to make a video showing each of the different structures and their purposes. This video helped us learn how all of the different parts work together to keep the pig healthy. I think that this lab was very interesting because I have never seen the inside of an animal before. I got to see all of the structures that we share with them, and I was shocked at how similar they are to us. We identified all of the different systems such as the circulatory and respiratory systems. My favorite part of the dissection was when we cut open the heart to identify the different parts to it. Inside the heart, there were two big clumps of red and blue plasticizer, where the blood came into and then left the heart. Overall, I enjoyed this lab and would be looking forward to future dissections in my academic journey.


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