New Year Goals

I will study in a more efficient and effective way for this class this semester. The first step to this goal will be accomplished by paying full attention to all the notes and talks in class. Next will be to stay completely concentrated and distraction-free during the vodcasts and the notes. Before tests I will carefully go over what I need to further my understanding on to accomplish this goal.

My second goal is not specific to any one class. It is, however, related to all of my classes. I will stop procrastinating. Procrastinating is putting work off until the very last minute. This is a very bad habit and has sometimes caused me to stay up very late doing a project or homework that I should have already been done with. Then, the next day I will be tired and not very focused at school. If I did not procrastinate, I could have used all that extra time to get a much better sleep and not have the stress of finishing something in the last minute.


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