Unit 3 Reflection

This unit was all about cells and the different parts inside of the cell that make it function properly. We learned about the different organelles inside of cells. The nuclear membrane holds DNA in the nucleus and allows RNA to leave through pores. The lysosome holds enzymes for recycling proteins. The endoplasmic reticulum holds proteins as they finished off and holds lipids as they are made. Vesicles export molecules out or into the cell. The golgi appratatus packages and releases finished proteins, lipids, and hormones. The membranes in chloroplasts and mitochondria function in carbohydrate creation (photosynthesis) and carbohydrate break down (cellular respiration). The cell membrane holds all cell contents inside and protects from the outside environment. The cell membrane also controls the passage of molecules inside. We also learned about the unique features of membranes. All membranes are selectively permeable. We also learned about the different types of transport. Passive transport is transportation with no effort or energy to the cell. Active transport is transportation with energy put in. Diffusion is the movement of small molecules from high concentration to low, through the lipid bilayer. Faciliated diffusion is when proteins make it possible for larger molecules to pass through membranes. One of my setbacks of this unit was that I did not pay enough close attention to the vodcast. I need to have zero distractions while I watch the vodcast to make sure I fully understand all the information that is being presented to me. I would like to learn more about how cellular respiration works inside of our bodies. I find it very interesting and would like to find out more about it.


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