Unit 2: Reflection

                                                                    Unit 2 Reflection

          In this Unit we learned about the nature of matter. Protons (p+) have a positive charge and are the same mass as a neutron. Neutrons (n⁰) have no charge and have the same mass as a proton. The nucleus is the center of an atom. The electron (e⁻) is negatively charged, 1/1840 the size of a proton, and it is always in constant motion. As atoms combine to make molecules, their properties can change significantly.
          We also learned about the different types of bonds. Chemical bonds are energy stored between atoms. Ionic bonds are formed when an atom gains or looses an electron. Covalent bonds happen when electrons are shared between atoms. Hydrogen bonds are not as strong as covalent or ionic bonds, but hold molecules together because of slight attraction of positive to negative charged regions.
          We learned about the different kinds of attraction between molecules. Cohesion is the attraction between molecules of the same substance. Adhesion is the attraction between molecules of different substances.
          In this unit we talked about the pH scale. It is a scale from 0 to 14. anything lower than 7 is acidic, anything that is exactly 7 is a base, and anything higher from 7 to 14 is basic. Acids taste sour, are corrosive to metals, and are attracted to bases. Bases taste bitter, feel slippery, and are attracted to acids.

Carbohydrates are sugars, which are saccharides. They are composed of rings of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen. They are our main source of energy. There are three types of carbohydrates. Monosaccharides are simple sugars, with one ring, and they taste very sweet. Disaccharides are simple sugars with two rings and also taste sweet. Polysaccharides have three or more rings and taste starchy or plain.
          In this lab, the sweetness lab, we tasted the difference between the three types of carbohydrates. We found the monosaccharides to be the sweetest, the disaccharides the next sweetest, and the polysaccharides to be extremely bitter and starchy. High Fructose Corn Syrup is a poison similar to alcohol. Our bodies use the liver to metabolize it. It leads to many health issues such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, increased fat, higher caloric intake, and most symptoms of alcoholics. 
          Lipids are large molecules that include fats, phospholids, oils, waxes, and cholesterol. Their structure is made of long chains of Carbon and Hydrogen called fatty acids. Most of them are non polar (uncharged). They store energy and break bonds. They make up cell membranes and are used to make hormones. There are two types of fatty acids. Saturated fats are straight chains of C and H and are bad for our health and solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fats are better for our health. They are liquids at room temperature and come from plant products. 
          Nucleic acids are large molecules composed of up to thousands of repeating nucleotides. Nucleotides are made up of a sugar, a phosphate, and a nitrogen base. Nucleic acids make up DNA and RNA. Proteins are large molecules made of smaller molecules called amino acids, that are chained together. We eat protein and then our body breaks protein down into amino acids. Enzymes make chemical reactions happen. They are the machines of the body and make reactions happen faster. They also lower the activation energy of reactions.
          Something that I would like to learn more about is High Fructose Corn Syrup and why it is so horrible for our bodies.


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